
Affordable Care Act

Affordable Care Act,christian louboutin soldes

Health care has always been a concern for many American's especially those on Medicare,mbt schuhe, but the government has been taking steps to help those who are having problems with the new Afford Care Act. In a press release from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, the Administer Donald M. Berwick, and MD said, "Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, seniors are getting cheaper prescription drugs and free preventive care."

As a nation the message has always been told by many fitness gurus, in shape celebrities, and doctors with television shows that the key to being healthy is prevention, yet the people who need health the most,hogan vendita, seniors,mbt zum Verkauf, have not been able to receive preventative health care through Medicare. Thanks to the new Affordable Care Act, those who have Medicare are now entitled to many preventative services, which is a great step for Medicare. Patients can receive various preventative screenings including for diabetes and some cancer, Medicare has even gone as far as to offer a program to help people quit smoking.

No one would argue that the cost of prescription drugs is on the increase and according the a press release from CMS,christian louboutin france, the Affordable Care Act, this year alone, will save an estimated $1.2 billion on prescription medications for seniors entitled to these benefits. CMS estimates that this equates to each individual saving $550 and this savings is significant.

Along this same vain, research at CMS has shown that the average cost of living increase through Social Security is actually far outweighing the increasing costs of a doctor's visits. Based on their calculations,Christian Louboutin Pas Cher, less than ten percent of the increase payment per month for those on social security will have to go toward visit with the doctor for most people covered under Medicare part B.

Medicare Part D has continue using its doughnut hole philosophy to slowly close the gap of coverage, and are up to fifty percent coverage on brand name prescription drugs. Many think that Medicare is being unfair, but when you look at the numbers of the past years,christian louboutin soldes, the coverage limit has gone up nearly thirty percent, while the deductible has only increased by $70, so the extra money entitles beneficiaries to an addition $680 in initial coverage, and over an addition $1500 in prescription drug coverage (numbers from 2006 to present). While it may seems that Medicare is doing less and less for it beneficiaries, it is doing a lot to make up for the losses that people are experiencing, by offering what it can without losing its assets. Related articles:

